About me - HonestReviews123

My real opinion on all products from gadgets to online courses

About me

Hi! Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Justin and I created this website so I could share my reviews with you. I am currently a top 500 reviewer on Amazon and am very active on many social media platforms. If you like my content, please consider following me there or subscribing to my mailing list. What makes me different from many other reviewing websites is that there are no ads here and I make sure my content is as accurate as possible.

I have not monetized it so I don’t make any money from this website. That being said, I do usually include affiliate links to my posts but only because it makes no difference to you if you click on it. It just means I get a small commission if a purchase is made. Apart from that, I occasionally review items that I received for free to review. When that is the case, I make sure that my opinion is honest and unbiased but I will always leave a disclaimer on my post letting you know.

Thanks for reading about me and I hope that you find my content useful😸